Adult Humorist Jupiter’s Slut to Speak at Catalyst Con LA

Jupiter’s S.L.U.T. in a box, which is how I often feel when it comes to sexuality. But strong narratives help us climb out of our old dirty stories.

I put together a panel for Catalystcon with the infamous Dirty Lola in LA. Panel Description: Hear the heroic tales of super sluts battling the forces of sexual shame as they answer the questions that plague them. Why identify as a slut? Are you a “real” slut?  What are the pros and cons of self-identifying with a slur? What’s a super slut? How many sexual partners does it take to become a super slut? With humor and humility, we explore publicly embracing sluthood.

You can find more out about Lola at http://sexedagogo.com/

Or on Twitter: @DirtyLola